How to apply for a place at Charville Academy
In Year Admissions
You can complete an application form directly at the school.
The following documents are also required when applying:
- Your child’s birth certificate and
- Proof of address i.e. recent utility bill (dated within the last 6 months) or tenancy agreement.
In Year admissions are made directly to the school. If a place is available and there is no waiting list then the governing body will admit the child. If more applications are received than there are places available then applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. If a place cannot be offered, then you may ask us for the reasons and you will be informed of your right of appeal. The school maintains a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained by the governing body based on the oversubscription criteria. When a place becomes available the school will then make an offer.
You can apply directly to the Civic Centre at High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1UW or by clicking visiting
Starting School in September 2025
- Wednesday 15th January 2025 – Paper applications deadline
- Wednesday 15th January 2025 - Online application deadline (Midnight)
- Wednesday 16th April 2025 - National Offer Day (NOD)
- If you applied online you can view your school offer from 5pm
- By Wednesday 30th April 2025 - you must accept or decline the place you have been offered
- Appeals deadline - Wednesday 14th May 2025
Appeals will be heard by an independent panel by the end of the Summer Term 2025.
Visiting the School
Please telephone the school to arrange a visit.
Tel: 020 8845 1707/3473
Fax: 020 8845 7709
Requesting Appeal Documentation
If your application has been unsuccessful you must make your appeal in writing. You can write a letter to us and request the appropriate appeal form.