Parents and Carers
We encourage a close partnership with parents and carers in our school and appreciate all the work that parents can do to support their child’s learning and progress. All parents are invited to weekly coffee mornings, regular workshops, celebratory events and parents’ evenings.
Parents and carers are kept up to date with what is happening in school via the various social media sites that we use, class dojo, regular text messages, emails and weekly newsletters. We also have regular opportunities throughout the school year for parents and carers to come into school and see their child’s learning during the school day.
Volunteers are welcome in school and we have a number of parents, grandparents and community volunteers that support in this way and we look forward to welcoming even more in the future!
Parent Teacher Association
At Charville we have an active PTA who meet once a month to discuss fund raising opportunities and events to support the school. Recently, the PTA have led school discos, an Easter Egg competition and Summer Fete! All funds raised are used to support the school and recently the PTA funded transport for a whole school trip to the Beck Theatre. The PTA have their own Facebook page - charvilleacademypta.
Parent Governors
Parent representatives are a vital part of our Governing Body and work conscientiously to support school development and provide the committee with the voice and opinions of the parents in our school.